Annual Dinner Meetiing
Mon-Valley Region AACA Annual Dinner Meeting
Rescheduled to February 27, 2016
There is no meeting Friday February 26th at Perryopolis.
Next Meeting there is March 25th.
Place: Union Grill – 13 ½ East Wheeling St., Washington, Time: 4:00 PM cocktail/social time, 5:00 PM dinner
Menu: Buffet style – Roast pork with dressing, baked Boston cod, baked stuffed chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, winter mixed vegetables, rice pilaf, dessert (apple pie ala mode)
Cost: $25 per person — Reservations due by Thursday, February 18th;
Contact: Wib or Jeri Caldwell
House phone: 724-239-5726 or
Email: [email protected]
Payment may be made at the dinner Make any checks payable to Mon Valley Region AACA
We need a minimum attendance of 20 people